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Jason Jones ICF-MN fills my bucket!! I look forward to the in person meetings to connect with my tribe of coaches and enjoy the way of being only coaches embody. It energizes me.
Bev Lutz ICF membership provides incredible professional networking opportunities, professional and personal growth, and opportunities to explore my strengths as I volunteer in service of my profession.  My chapter really helps me stay current with coaching, thought leadership, and learn-n-earn (CEU’s) from professional development events.  But it’s the supportive coach-friends and collaborators who have made membership for me priceless. //

Irene Kelly

Being a member of ICF offers me the opportunity for certification by the industry professional standard bearer; being a member of ICF Minnesota connects me to my professional peers for networking and collaboration.  Membership in both establishes me as “credible” and provides me opportunities to learn and grow.


Mary Kay Delvo  

Being a member of ICF-Minnesota helps me continue to bring my 'best self' to my clients.

Trish Perry ICF-MN gives me a place to authentically connect and share with other coaches. I have created long lasting friendships, collaborations and mentorships that have profoundly enriched my life and my business. //
Ann Marie Forshay ICF MN has provided me with crucial connections to other entrepreneurs and colleagues who share similar goals and challenges in their businesses. It's a welcoming place full of great ideas that have moved me forward both professionally and personally. //
Sara Krisher ICF Minnesota is the place to be if you're a coach or you're interested in the coaching profession. We come together to connect, grow and give because we are stronger together than we are apart. //
Lance Hazzard I chose to get involved with the ICF Minnesota Chapter to be part of a community of coaches who help our clients grow and achieve their goals. This organization brings great content to our coaching community and enables opportunities to learn and collaborate in multiple ways. //

HomeEventsUsing Coaching to Build Communities Across Diverse Lines

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Using Coaching to Build Communities Across Diverse Lines

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM


Zoom - Virtual


In Person Speaker Event

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About this event

May 26, 2020 SPEAKER EVENT


Using Coaching to Build Communities Across Diverse Lines


SPEAKER: Dr. Shawn Moore | CPCC | Ethnicity, Diversity & Inclusivity Coach (EDI)


DATE: Tuesday, May 26, 2020


TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Virtual - Zoom


CEU’S: 1.5 Core Competency and .5 Resource Development



We are truly living in a global context that continues to challenge us right before our eyes. How do we engage in difference without harming others or even losing ourselves in the process? Shawn will share what surfaced in his research findings on Coaching and Reconciliation. Reconciliation is the art of removing barriers that hinder authentic relationships. Reconciliation takes a person beyond the old models of conflict management and gives parties engaged in reconciliation a new perspective for seeing beyond certain behaviors and instead gives a holistic view which allows for seeing another’s point of view. This workshop is for anyone looking to improve the coaching skills for working with ethnicity, diversity, and more inclusively.



· Awareness of why understanding ethnic diversity is essential in the 21st.Century

· Awareness of how understanding implicit bias can impact your coaching

· Awareness of the intersection between multi-cultural issues and coaching

· Awareness of the role of racial reconciliation in coaching




Co-creating the Relationship: Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client

Facilitating Learning and Results: Creating Awareness


Shawn Moore May 2020Meet Shawn Moore

Dr. Shawn Moore is an adjunct Professor at Bethel University, an Ordained Minister, and former Police Officer. Besides teaching Anthropology and Reconciliation, Shawn is an Implicit Bias instructor and Verbal De-escalation instructor training Police Officers for the state of Minnesota. His doctoral research was focused on using coaching as a means to build reconciliation. He is also a student of Learning Journeys International School of Coaching. Shawn has 20 years of experience teaching and facilitating workshops around Race, Implicit Bias, and Cultural Anthropology. Shawn also serves on the ICF Minnesota Board of Directors and is the chair of the Mirror Committee.