As a coach, Jan truly believes individuals and organizations can realize their potential and achieve their goals in a nurturing and confidential coaching partnership. Learning and growth takes many forms and coaching can help catalyze change and transformation, both personally and professionally. An individual’s strengths, experiences, interests and passions are a guarantee that each coaching experience is unique because each person is unique.
Jan has over 10 years business and leadership coaching experience. She is trained in the following coaching approaches: ICF Associate Certified Coaching, Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) assessment and 360 feedback coaching, as well as Action Learning and Adaptive Action coaching.
Jan holds a Bachelor of Science, Applied Business and Communication Studies as well as master’s graduate certificates in Human Resource Development, Innovation Studies and Organizational Development from the University of Minnesota. In 2019 she competed the University of St. Thomas Executive Coaching graduate program.
Jan works as a Strategy Manager for Hennepin County’s Communication and Engagement Services Department. She also coaches and consults with leaders through her Six Directions Coaching and Consulting LLC business. In her free time, she loves to hang out with her husband, two sons, daughter-in-law and cats Thor and Loki. She loves to garden, read and enjoys relaxing at the lake.